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Quietest/Most Efficient RV Air Conditioner – 48v DC (52db | 9,500 BTU | w/ Heat Mode )


Quietest & Most Efficient RV Air Conditioner on the market.

Specs (At Max Power):
– 52 decibels
– 1380W Cooling / 1390W Heat

Specs (Notable Differences Compared To Most RV Air Conditioners):
– DC (Direct Current)
– 48v
– 78 lb
– Heating Function

Specs (Other Reasons To Choose This Unit)
– Dehumidifies

GTIN: 738607457834 SKU: 738607457834 Category:

Quietest & Most Efficient RV Air Conditioner on the market.

Specs (At Max Power):
- 52 decibels
- 1380W Cooling / 1390W Heat

Specs (Notable Differences Compared To Most RV Air Conditioners):
- DC (Direct Current)
- 48v
- 78 lb
- Heating Function

Specs (Other Reasons To Choose This Unit)
- Dehumidifies

DC (Direct Current) System Avg Daily Use:
- 13,800w / Day (10hr Run Time)


AC (Alternating Current) System Avg Daily Use:
- 16,800w / Day (10hr Run Time)
- Reasons For the ~3000w difference:
- (+ 10% Inverter Efficiency Loss)
- +1,200w to 4,800w / Day (Inverter Idle Wattage Consumption

Reason it is more efficient than any other model on the market:
This model runs on 48v DC power so it can pull electricity directly off of a 48v battery without needing any inverter.

48v Is Better Than 12v:
- 48v systems are more efficient in general because there is less resistance factor compared to 12v systems. You can also use smaller wire compared to 12v systems and almost all of the 48v devices are less expensive than their 12v couterparts.

DC (Direct Current) Is Better Than AC (Alternating Current) for off grid and RV Van Life:
- This DC Air Conditioner can run directly off of a battery which means the device does not need to have an inverter on to allow it to run. When an inverter is on, there is both idle self consumption normally between 50w and 200w, plus there is also an efficiency loss when converting electricity.
- Comparison Of Wattage Use (DC vs AC System)
- 1,380w DC (Direct Current) Device:
Uses exactly 1,380w / hr, nothing more
- 1,380w AC (Alternating Current) Device:
1,380w / hr For The Device
+ 150w / hr (10% conversion factor used by the inverter)
+ 50w to 200w / hr (Idle consumption of the inverter, just because it is on)
(This means that even if the Air Conditioner has cooled the RV down to the thermostat set point, the inverter will still be on drawing 50w to 200w all day long. 1200w to 4800w of electricity, just because the inverter has to be on in an AC (Alternating Current) system.)

Additional information

Weight 80 lbs
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 20 in



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